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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

User IDs/Passwords:
I forgot my password.  What should I do to get a new one?
Can I change my password?
Will my password ever expire?
Is there a minimum password length required?


User IDs/Passwords:

I forgot my password.  What should I do to get a new one?
Click on Forgot Password link where you will be prompted for your userid and email address.  A new password will be system generated and will be emailed to you.

Can I change my password?
Click on Change Password link where you will be prompted for your old password, new password, and to confirm your new password and click Change Password button.  You will receive a message that your password has been changed.

Will my password ever expire?
Yes, your password will expire after 365 days.  When this happens, you will be prompted upon login to change it.

Is there a minimum password length required?
Password rules are as follows:  Minimum length – 6;  Maximum length 15;  A number is required; 
